How to combine multiple QuerySets in Django?

Combining Multiple QuerySets in Django Framework

In this post, There is a comprehensive discussion about combining multiple QuerySets in Django projects. I have mentioned everything related to QuerySet, like examples, functions, explanations, etc. You need to read it carefully if you want to learn how to work with queries in the Django database to get different records on your request.

How to combine multiple QuerySets in Django

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Learn QuerySets in Django

I want to share a basic concept with you, your concept will be clear about QuerySet in Django. When a different record is stored in the database we need to communicate with our database to get the required queries. Different queries are used so that we can get specific records according to the provided conditions.

For example, 100 records are stored in a database table and you want to get a record using QuerySet query to return results, like:

Here, YourModel will be your actual Model name (Database table) that is stored in the database. Where objects means, a set of records, one record means a single object. The last word shows that ‘all()’ means to achieve all the objects.

When you run this query you will get a set of records that will store in variable queryset_variable. There is another method to return a single record like this:

When you run his query you will get only a single record, you cannot say that it is an example of QuerySet, because you are not getting a set of records. So there are different other examples in which you can get a set of records for example:

  • all()
  • filter()
  • exclude()
  • Slicing()

In short, these methods are used to get a set of records from a database but the first and last methods are used to get only signal records from the database when needed.

Have you worked with QuerySets before?

This is my question only for you guys! Have ever used Queryset in your Django project, I want to share something with you if you have used it in Django. Your answer should be in the comment section, We will respond to you possibly.

What means of Combine Multiple QuerySets?

It means that when getting QuerySet through different methods like filtering, excluding, slicing, etc you can combine all these results to each one. When you make different conditions to get accurate and close results you have to use to combine multiple QuertSet.

What means of Combine Multiple QuerySets?

Queryset gives you a set of records but you can apply more methods to get accurate results. that is the means of combining multiple QuertSet.

Why need to combine Multiple Querysets in Django?

If you want to get more accurate and close results like a super key in the database, you can use multiple QuerySets. Because you apply different filter methods to reach your exact and desired result.

It is for experienced developers in Django and databases, when they work to get a set of records from databases they can create a complex query using multiple filters and other conditions to get the required result.

Sometimes you need to optimize your Query, because there may be conditions when multiple queries are used with the same aim and purpose, in that case,, you combine them into one to optimize the query and source code also.

Coding Example:

This is an example related to Tilaab, where different categories of Trees and founder names also number of steps when I walk across the streets in Tilaab. Now I will get different sets of records from different queries. At the last, I want to combine all these three results into one query to get a union answer.

Methods to Combine QuerySets:

After learning how to work with QuerySet you have to understand how many methods you can use to combine your multiple QuerySet into one, for example, chain method, union, and filters.

Serial Number Method Name Description
1 Chain Method Allows chaining multiple methods together, applying them sequentially.
2 Union Method Combines two sets, removing duplicates and returning a new set.
3 Chaining Filters Enables applying multiple filters successively to a variable or expression.

I have discussed every method theoretical with their syntax, if you need complete code you can request me in the comment section. Let’s start to understand first.

01: Chain Method:

In the chaining method, if you would like to combine all your set of records coming from different tables, you can use the chain method.
Itertools is a module in which different functions are there for different purposes. The same chain method is also present in this module. e will use only the chain method to combine our set of records.


If you want to get a complete source code and assistance, you can drop your request in the comment section too. You will get complete code related to changing methods also with an explanation. It is free of cost

02: Union Method:

Abotu union method you have already read in the Python core course that is used with a set data structure. Its purpose is to merge into a set that combines the different resources to make unique them. Here it has the same meaning and syntax. Already I have shared an example with you in the above section.


As you know I have shared the union method in this article in the above section, you can review it again. If you need more examples with full explanations please go to the comment section and write your query.

03: Chaining Filters:

It is not a new method but a different strategy to get narrow results according to your multiple filters. For example, there is a student who has data of birth in 2000. When you filter ore it more with the month you will get several students or when you filter more with the date of the month you will get a limited number of students and when you put week names, in that case, there will be fewer students which matches this condition.

In the same as you can provide multiple filters to get the nearest result you want.


Already I have discussed this with you, if you need an example share your query and case you want an example. There are different examples I have, I cannot share here, but if you need put your request in a comment.

Code Examples:

Different examples around you can understand the concept of combining multiple QuerySets in Django but need to give full attention. And explain each example so you will learn more. If you need different examples for each method, I can share them with you.

To get all methods examples with full explanations its logic, just say ‘yes’ in the comment you will get a PDF format example for each.

Common Mistakes

It is very easy to understand your query and debug where you made mistakes. These are the common mistakes often developed made. So please read it carefully

  • For example, when you are working with different models in this case you have to check from where records are coming because models are different then you will get an unexpected result.
  • Sometimes, if you work with different fields with incorrect field names you will get errors or different output.
  • You need to check the data types of different fields, it is very necessary to check data types of different fields to get the correct output.
  • You need to get a unique result, to get a unique result you need to use the union method. It will remove duplicate results from your set of records.


In this post, I discussed everything about combining multiple QuerySets in a Django project to get more relevant and accurate results that come from the database.

Examples I have also mentioned and another example I have hidden from you, I will share them with you when you want and when I get the request form in the comment section.

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Additional Resources

If you want to learn more about how to Combine Multiple QuerySets in Django, there is an additional resource for you to understand more with different examples. This is the official documentation you can follow to get more related examples with explanations.

Vist Django QuerySet API

Here is a video lecture, you can watch to understand more about combining multiple query sets in Django practicals.


What is Query?

The query is the communication method that needs to communicate with Databases. SQL is the structure query language used to insert, delete, update, and other operations that need to be performed on the data record in the database.

Why need to communicate with the Database?

We develop application contact with data as application data is stored in a database. A database is the central data source where data is stored in a managed form. To retrieve, fetch, update, and delete the record we need to make communication with the database.

Will this blog video course be for Django?

Yes, this blog provides video courses on different programming languages like Python, Numpy, Pandas, Excel, etc. But Django course we have to create. Just take updates from this blog to new courses or subscribe to our YouTube channel to get updates.

What is the difference between query and query set in Django?

Usually, the query is the sentence or a complete statement that applies to databases to do something and return any single record while a query set when applied to a database, returns a set of records.

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